Big welcome to our new technicians, Valerijs and Aleksandr!

Recently, our service team has grown with two skilled and highly motivated gentlemen. Valerijs lives in Latvia and Aleksandr in Estonia, but both will eventually be available in the Baltics area. We are happy to have these technicians in our company, and here are some nice-to-know topics regarding them! 

Let’s start with Valerijs Garancis!  

Valerijs describes himself as a well experienced man, who has a good imagination as well as communication skills.  Besides skiing, he enjoys all kinds of sports activities in his free time, as well as flying remote control aircraft. Valerijs also enjoys watching movies, so perhaps in the future we should ask from him for recommendations! 

His journey as being a technician started incredibly early when he was a child. He took a screwdriver in his hands and started to disassembly his toys and re-created them into new forms. He admits those weren’t that successful, but now he is all grown up and his skills have grown together with him. Valerijs has experience as an electronics engineer, PCB designer and mechatronics engineer. He also has industrial and embedded system programming knowledge. He has gone on several different courses in order to improve & maintain his skills, like, for example, electronics repair and PLC programming. 

Valerijs reached out to us because he was looking for the possibility to join an international company which could offer him new kinds of experience and help him grow at a professional level. He is looking forward to visiting the Baltic countries, discovering new exciting things and learning all different kinds of technologies.

Then more about Aleksandr Fedenko!

Aleksandr had a similar childhood to Valerijs, because he also felt passionate about all different kinds of technological toys. He has a creative way of thinking about different kinds of solutions, and he is easy-going as a person. Aleksandr is skilled in different kinds of cycling, such as in freeride mountain biking, but he also enjoys snowboarding, skateboarding and kitesurfing. As he says, when he is bored, he goes to competitive level. Another important thing about Aleksandr is his dog (or as he says, partner in crime) Ruby. He really adores her! 

But back to his path in his career. Aleksandr endorsed his passion towards technology, and he went on to Tallinn Technology university, from which he graduated in 1998. At this point, his career officially started when he started with security systems and networking. A few years after graduating, he joined a company which had different kinds of printing machines, where he stayed for 14 years while learning and improving on the technical side. After 2017, he has tried different kinds of industries, and so far, the most interesting case which he has worked on was a Ferris wheel on top of a 40-meter-tall building. Aleksandr was there as a factory supervisor and giving assistance with the whole installation project. Also, the top of this wheel is the 2nd highest point in Tallinn, after the TV –tower, which is 120 meters tall. Aleksandr admits that he used to fear heights, but now it is far behind him!   

As we can notice, Aleksandr does not fear any obstacles which he could face in the future, and he is excited to join our company, while waiting to learn all kinds of new skills and getting to know all new people as well! 

Ruby the Dog
Here’s Ruby, enjoying herself.