The year 2022 has been an eventful year. There have been many challenges, but we have been able to push and work through them with the help of our amazing team as well as our partners and customers. We are thankful for the trust and collaboration we have received.
To share our gratitude, we want to continue with our tradition of making donations to organizations that help families and children from each country in which Waldec Group has customers in. We are happy to be able to continue with our holiday tradition and wish our customers and partners happy holidays.
We have donated 1000 euros/10000 crowns to these seven charity organizations:
Finland: Hope – Yhdessä & Yhteisesti ry
Denmark: Børns Vilkår
Sweden: Barncancerfonden
Norway: Stiftelsen Sykehusbarn
Estonia: Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer
Lithuania: Maltiečiai
Latvia: Fulfill a child’s dream through Rehabilitation Centre POGA