LAC, s.r.o.

Low-temperature furnaces and dryers

Supplier: LAC, s.r.o.
Available in: Finland , Sweden , Denmark , Norway , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania

For low-temperature furnaces and dryers, it is above all important to ensure even heating of the charge, no matter what that charge is. In our catalogue, you’ll find both time-tested and custom-made low-temperature facilities for treatment of plastics, rubber, electrical components, glass, chemical substances, and food products, for instance. We have already designed a number of chambers, bogie-hearth, and continuous dryers for drying, curing, tempering, firing, vulcanization, and preheating.

Recommended operating temp. range: 80–300 °C

Volumes: 60–400 l

Furnaces type: 

  • S dryers
  • SV Mk.II dryers 
  • SVK bogie-hearth dryers

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