Metalix offers optimal material utilization with AutoNest, the automatic nesting software. AutoNest is a powerful true shape nesting tool with a range of versatile methods for the best possible automatic and manual nesting. Within a few minutes AutoNest creates a complex and efficient solution for your parts, taking into account part attributes and your preferences. Your parts can be native cncKad, or imported DXF, DWG, etc.
During import, you can check and fix your parts’ geometry, then batch process them according to your machine type. AutoNest automatically arranges the parts on your sheets according to material and thickness. You can also organize the parts on your sheets manually. Features such as collision-less mode, remnant management, and in-built warnings help steer you to cost-effective nesting solutions.
Generate NC codes for the resulting nesting solution, simulate it, create detailed production reports, and send your daily job/order to production.
AutoNest efficiently utilizes the sheet material, saving time and money.
- Importing job orders from ERP/MRP programs
- Creating automatic DXF to NC (Daily Job)
- True Shape or rectangular nesting for optimized solutions
- Generating multiple material nests
- Producing multiple sheet solutions
- Filling holes with small parts
- Common cuts to reduce material wastage and machine time
- Reusing remnants
- Interactive manual nesting
- Estimating job production costs
- Generating detailed production reports
Copyright: Metalix