LAC, s.r.o.

Furnaces for additive manufacturing

Supplier: LAC, s.r.o.
Available in: Finland , Sweden , Denmark , Norway , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania

Additive Manufacturing represents a huge potential. It brings about higher efficiency and reduces costs at production, testing and introducing new products. This technology allows production of 3D products even with a very complicated shape. Our furnaces are designed for most post-process heat treatment technologies in additive manufacturing, for metal processing – melting or sintering of metallic powders or fibres which do not contain additional binders.

Recommended operating temp. range: 150–1350 °C

Volumes: 20–700 l

Charge treatment technology: 

  • Artificial ageing
  • Relieving of internal stress
  • Annealing
  • Solution annealing

Furnaces type: 

  • PP chamber furnace
  • K chamber furnace
  • PKRC chamber furnace

Contact to get more information

Copyright: LAC, s.r.o.