New Standard Tool Holders (Clamping, Crowning and Bottom Tool Holders) make it possible to change tools very quickly. When combined with Wila’s state of the art New Standard Tooling, they also provide maximum accuracy, flexibility, durability and safety.
The New Standard Clamping are innovative and super-fast clamping systems for clamping tools to the upper beams of press brakes. The Universal Press Brake Concept (UPB) makes it possible install New Standard Clamping Systems on any press brake.
- Extremely fast press brake tooling changes
- Maximum control of vertical tolerances during the bending process (Tx- axis alignment)
- Extremely accurate clamping, positioning and alignment
- Individual clamping pins for each tool segment for superior clamping force
- Vertical and horizontal tool loading and unloading for maximum speed and safety
- Professional finish, including a slide rule for ease of tool positioning
- Suitable for all press brake brands and sizes
- Provides maximum productivity when used in combination with WILA Tooling
New Standard Premium Clamping
The ultimate in accuracy and performance
- Highest quality for all press brakes
- Extremely high workload capacity and durability
- All load bearing and clamping surfaces are fully CNC-Deephardened® (ca. 56 HRC) for maximum durability
- Guaranteed maximum term performance
- Capable of clamping and positioning top tool segments as small as 10 mm in length
- Suitable for both head and shoulder-loaded tools
- Maximum tool weights for self-seating of tools
- Hydraulic: 300 kg per meter
- Manual: 180 kg per meter
- Pneumatic: 100 kg per meter
New Standard Pro Clamping
A high quality alternative for all press brake with limited open height
- Quality in accordance with strict WILA standards
- Comparable performance with New Standard
Premium Clamping Systems, but without hardened load bearing and clamping surfaces to reduce cost
- Capable of Clamping top tool segments as small as 15 mm in length
- Suitable for both head and shoulder-loaded tools
- Great value for investment
- Maximum tool weight
- Hydraulic: 100 kg per meter
- Manual: 180 kg per meter
- Pneumatic: 70 kg per meter
Powerful Self-Locking® Performance
The tools are clamped with air pressure. The biggest advantage of our patented Self-Locking® mechanism is that the tools can be clamped and released extremely quickly. This unique system leads to a much faster tool change and increases your productivity in the long term.
High efficiency for frequent and fast tool changes
Ideal for meeting the most demanding requirements. Perfect for robotic tool changes. A flexible hose along the entire length of the system is used to transfer oil pressure to the tooling via hardened clamping pins, providing maximum reliability. Once the Clamping system has been activated, all tools are automatically positioned, centered and aligned.
An effective economical solution for less frequent tool changes
Clamping bolts are used to center tools in the required position. When changing tools less frequently, it will be sufficient to use a manual clamping system, whereby the bolts are tightened by hand.
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